
Ängste Tag

The power of imagination

Close your eyes and think of what your loved one looks like when he or she is not around. What is their hair color? What’s their shape of face, nose, and mouth? Did you manage to do that? The inner eye creates the world Probably yes. Usually, it is not very difficult. A person can easily see with the "mind's eye" a person or object that is not around at the moment. Such mental images are mental representations that appear in the imagination. And they are not limited to images. Most people can hum a favorite song in their mind, taste a lemon, smell freshly cut grass, touch sandpaper, and even recall the sensations experienced during some physical activity. The imagination - the most creative of our powers The...

Our App in Checker Tobi „Gefühle Check“

Surely you've already seen Checker Tobi's feature on the Kinderkanal (KiKA) about our Kid's Emotional Training. Here is how Tobi Krell introduces us in his show "Gefühle-Check": "This is an app that aims to help children with the use of stories to cope better with fears or uncomfortable feelings." You can watch the whole show here and also try LUMEUS for free here. Learning to deal with your own feelings Behind the stories, which Tobi himself has recorded, is a whole training program that helps children to identify their emotions correctly and to deal with them. After all, anger, sadness, and fears can really get to children in certain situations. Parents, of course, do everything they can to help, but sometimes they need extra support to help them fall asleep better, deal with...
