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Der Aufbruch: Eine neue Ära der mentalen Frauengesundheit

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] AOK Bayern x LUMEUS: Roadshow zum Thema Frauengesundheit Der Aufbruch: Eine neue Ära der mentalen Frauengesundheit “Frauen - sichtbar und gesund” ist 2024 der Jahresschwerpunkt des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Gesundheit, Pflege und Prävention. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass wir als Partner der AOK Bayern Vorträge in ganz Bayern halten dürfen - zum Thema mentale Gesundheit für Frauen, an denen du kostenlos und ohne Anmeldung gerne teilnehmen kannst: 17. Oktober 2024, 17.30 - 19.00 Uhr: Mentale Gesundheit-Achtsamkeit bis Mental Load Landratsamt Haßberge, 97437 Haßfurt 19. Oktober 2024, 10.00 - 15.00 Uhr: Seelenstark-Tour: Frauengesundheit mit GRPlus Haus der Kultur, 84478 Waldkraiburg 26. Oktober 2024, 10.00 - 16.00 Uhr: Gesundheitstag 2024: Frauengesundheit Kultur- und Tagungszentrum Murnau, 82418 Murnau am Staffelsee 13. November 2024, 9.00 - 10.00 Uhr: Mentale Gesundheit-Achtsamkeit bis Mental Load Sparkassen Forum, Sparkasse Oberland, 86956 Schongau 19. November 2024, 9.00...


Gewichtszunahme beginnt im Kopf

Die leichte Verfügbarkeit von Lebensmitteln hat dazu geführt, dass die Fettleibigkeit in der Weltbevölkerung bei Erwachsenen und Kindern seit einigen Jahren steigt . Außerdem hat  die Industrialisierung der Welt dazu beigetragen, dass sich die Lebensgewohnheiten der Menschen verändert haben. Weniger körperliche Bewegung, längere Arbeitszeiten, kalorienreiche Mahlzeiten und schnelles Essen sind nur einige der Hauptgründe für das Risiko einer Gewichtszunahme. In den letzten Jahren ist die Fettleibigkeitsrate weltweit auf ein Rekordniveau angestiegen und die Zahl der fettleibigen Menschen hat sich seit 1975 verdreifacht. Man schätzt, dass heute 16 % der Weltbevölkerung klinisch fettleibig sind. Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO geht davon aus, dass im Jahr 2030 bis zu 600 Millionen Menschen weltweit an Fettleibigkeit leiden werden. Obwohles den Anschein hat, dass nur Industrieländer betroffen sind, hat sich die...


Weight gain starts in the head

The easy availability of food has resulted in an increase in obesity in the world population among adults and children for several years. Also, the development of civilization and the industrialization of the world has caused people's lifestyles to change. Less physical activity, longer working hours, eating high-calorie meals, and eating in a hurry - are just a few of the main reasons for the risk of weight gain. In recent years, the global obesity rate has risen to record levels and the number of obese people has tripled since 1975. It is estimated that 16% of the world's population is now clinically obese. The World Health Organisation states that by 2030, there will be as many as 600 million people worldwide suffering from obesity....


7 methods against Unproductivity in the home office

While it was already everyday life for some people, many people had to adapt to working from home, especially at the beginning of Corona. Some did this more easily than others, but less peer feedback, little encouragement, and fewer interpersonal interactions increase unproductivity, risk of burnout, and risk of developing depression.You miss what used to be a part of your everyday life – chatting over coffee during the lunch break, casual morning greetings, and looking forward to the end of the day together. Remote working has many advantages - getting ready takes less time, saves time on the commute to work, and in general gives you more freedom and flexibility. However, the average working day loses some of its structure as a result. You see...


Advantages of mental health prevention programs in the workplace

Mental health is recognized as an important component of health throughout a person's life. It does not focus solely on mental health problems (including mental illness) but also addresses the positive aspects of mental health. This is because the ability of a person to function properly in the emotional, cognitive, and social spheres is a prerequisite for good health and well-being.The places where we spend time - working, living, or resting - play a key role in maintaining and improving our mental health and preventing disorders. Most people spend about one-third of their day at work. Therefore, the workplace is an important place to promote mental health. Of course, mental health is affected not only by the environment we live in but also by the...


Reprogramming – Our brain

Mathematics and the human brain In one of my math classes, our professor mentioned some interesting studies by John Von Neumann and when I researched further, I found a study where he showed connections and similarities between our brain and mathematics. I have been studying mathematics for 7 years now, and lately, my interest in the connection between the brain and my field of study has increased. Given the complexity of our brain and the large number of calculations it performs in a short period of time, I became all the more curious to look into it more deeply. How the brain works is still a mystery to many today. The human brain has a complex structure: to grasp the scope of this computing machine, one must...


The power of imagination

Close your eyes and think of what your loved one looks like when he or she is not around. What is their hair color? What’s their shape of face, nose, and mouth? Did you manage to do that? The inner eye creates the world Probably yes. Usually, it is not very difficult. A person can easily see with the "mind's eye" a person or object that is not around at the moment. Such mental images are mental representations that appear in the imagination. And they are not limited to images. Most people can hum a favorite song in their mind, taste a lemon, smell freshly cut grass, touch sandpaper, and even recall the sensations experienced during some physical activity. The imagination - the most creative of our powers The...

Melodies for billions – how music affects our emotional health

  You probably know it too, when the day was too stressful and the first thing you do after coming home is put your favorite playlist on to relax. Or when even if not everyone likes to admit it, it always gives you goosebumps when you hear Whitney singing "I will always love you". Or when, at the end of the year, "Last Christmas" by Wham plays on the radio for the first time - some people can’t stand it and others get this warm feel-good feeling. There are certainly numerous other examples, but it quickly becomes clear that music is a powerful tool when it comes to evoking emotions in us. This realization is not new. Places, where this effect is definitely heavily implemented, are...

Why children don’t sleep well

Is your child having trouble falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night, having nightmares, or can't sleep at all? All these variants of sleep disorders have the same internal cause: inner Unruhe, Stress, Ängste Stress hormones are what keep us awake at night.Die Sehnsucht nach tiefem Schlaf ist schon deshalb so groß, weil wir diesen Gegenpol dringend brauchen in einer Welt, in der es ziemlich chaotisch zugeht – wie in unseren Köpfen: Wir können nicht mehr abschalten, werden bis in den Schlaf verfolgt von unserem Stress. Deshalb suchen wir nach Ruheinseln, wo wir Sicherheit, Geborgenheit und Frieden erleben und endlich loslassen können. Auch Kinder sind tagtäglich sogenannten Stressoren – also triggers for stress - on a daily basis: teasing in kindergarten, homework...
