
The Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the Teaching Hospital of the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen Prof. Dr. med. H. Woelk praises the positive effect of mental slimming training on the human psyche:

Herr Prof. Dr. med. H. Woelk lobt den positiven Effekt des Mentalen Schlankheitstrainings auf die Psyche des Menschen:

„The Dagmar Herzog Method (DHM) starts with the emotions, because negative emotions are what make us reproduce limiting patterns of conduct over and over again. With her method, it is possible to override negative emotions with positive ones and thus fundamentally change one’s own behaviour. Dagmar Herzog has succeeded in implementing and applying the findings of emotion research in a particularly intensive way. The professionally and extraordinarily elaborately designed training CDs enable daily work with emotions and thus explain the rapid and – with constant application and practice – long-term success of the Herzog Method. Experiencing positive emotions helps to reduce stress hormones and improve anxiety or sleep disorders. The mood is lightened, the metabolism is positively stimulated, the immune system is strengthened. Depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, psychosomatic and functional complaints can also be significantly improved or even partially cured.“

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