
Press Release

Teaming up for mental health: ottonova and LUMEUS enter into partnership

  • LUMEUS becomes part of ottonova's "health X - Experience your health" rewards program
  • With their partnership, ottonova and LUMEUS provide access to innovative emotions training
  • ottonova members receive custumized emotions training to help cope with stress, anxiety, depressive moods, unhealthy sleeping or eating patterns

Munich - September 13, 2023.

For the mental health of its members, the private health insurance of the digital age, ottonova, and the mental health app LUMEUS have joined forces. The LUMEUS app offers a scientifically based program of emotions training that helps to manage stress, anxiety and depressive moods, promote healthy sleep or break unhealthy eating habits. The new partnership enables ottonova members to pursue their individual health goals through the power of their own emotions.


Bernhard Brühl, CEO ottonova Holding AG:

"Almost one billion people worldwide live with a mental illness. We want to include mental health on the healthcare system's agenda and help our insured members to take care of their health through preventive measures before it is too late. We are pleased to have gained a partner in LUMEUS that will provide our insureds with a tool for their mental well-being."

Verena Herzog-Pohl, CEO Emotrain

"We are proud to have such an innovative health insurance company as a strong partner at our side. With LUMEUS, all ottonova members have the chance to train their mental strength and thus alleviate or prevent psychological as well as physical complaints."

What is “health X – Experience your health?”

With health X, ottonova offers its insured members the opportunity to help shape the digital private health insurance of the future. By actively participating in surveys, e.g. online surveys, interviews and product tests, policyholders receive individual offers from the health worlds Eat, Move and Mind via a points system as part of health X. The portfolio now also includes the LUMEUS app and its emotion trainings "Power of Emotions," "Mental Weight-loss Training," "Emotional Kid's Training" and "Mental Sleep Training.

How does LUMEUS work?

LUMEUS is a mental health app, an emotions training for different mental disorders, as a powerful tool for activating and controlling one's own emotions and thereby releasing happiness hormones. Orchestral music and prominent speaker:inside voices lead the insured specifically inside their own emotions and away from stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia or unhealthy eating behavior. LUMEUS has been certified by the German Zentralen Prüfstelle Prävention, its effectiveness has been confirmed in a pilot study by the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry, and further studies are being planned with renowned institutes.

The partnership between ottonova and LUMEUS offers insureds healthcare that goes beyond traditional offerings and lays the foundation for holistic care for insureds. The integration of LUMEUS into ottonova's health X program proves that prevention and mental health belong on the agenda of an innovative healthcare system.

About ottonova:

ottonova ist die private Krankenversicherung für das mobile Zeitalter. Mit innovativen, digitalen Services unterstützt das Unternehmen seit 2017 seine Kunden dabei, gesund zu werden und gesund zu bleiben. Digitale Technologien, schnelle und persönliche

Beratung per Chat sowie zahlreiche weitere Features sorgen dafür, dass die Kunden immer im Mittelpunkt stehen. ottonova wurde 2022 im Rahmen der KUBUS-Studie unter PKVen zum vierten Mal in Folge zum Versicherer mit der höchsten Kundenzufriedenheit gekürt. Das Portfolio von ottonova umfasst neben privaten Krankenvollversicherungen und Krankenzusatzversicherungen (inklusive bKV) auch SoftwareLösungen für die Versicherungsbranche.

About Emotrain and Lumeus

EmoTrain GmbH is a leading company in the field of mental health and emotional training. The company is known for its innovative approaches to promoting well-being and personal development. EmoTrain combines the latest findings from the fields of psychology, neuroscience and music therapy to offer transformative solutions to mental health problems.

Press contact:

Christa Scholl | Lead Corporate
Communications 172 77 44 350

EmoTrain GmbH:
Anna Bramböck | Communications

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