Power of Emotions
Find more inner strength, trust, confidence and focus with guided emotional audio-journeys, specifically composed film music and relaxation exercises.
Find more inner strength, trust, confidence and focus with guided emotional audio-journeys, specifically composed film music and relaxation exercises.
With our beautiful sleep journeys with especially composed music we can help anyone to fall asleep and sleep through better.
From guided audios for a powerful start into the day and peaceful and relaxed sleep to education about emotions, our Kids Training includes a range of options.
Unser Online-Präventionskurs ist zertifiziert durch die ZPP (Zentrale Prüfstelle Prävention) und wird von allen gesetzlichen Krankenkassen in Deutschland bis zu 100% erstattet. Zusätzlich zum Präventionskurs erhälst du kostenlosen Zugang zur LUMEUS-App.
"I look forward to continuing my training and taking small steps towards long-term overlaying with positive emotions. The sessions have become a valuable part of my life."
"I now handle situations that used to stress me out and throw me off track in a completely different way. It's a miracle to me that something like this is possible. Also, my sleep has improved a lot and the way I'm out in the world is completely different."
,,Ich lass mich weniger stressen und nehm die Dinge leichter. Ich ruhe etwas mehr in mir. Es tut mir gut, so zu trainieren. Ich bin neugierig, wie sich die Veränderungen nach 10 Monaten anfühlen.“
"I feel as one with my body again. Listening to the Harmony tracks, I feel liberation, love, happiness and energy."