
Rewire Health

Feel Empowered: Emotional Wellbeing for Everyday Life

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Rewire your Health

LUMEUS hilft dir, mentale Probleme auf eine nachhaltige und effektive Weise zu lösen! Dabei setzen wir an der Ursache des Problems an, um dich gesünder und glücklicher zu machen. Besser schlafen, Stress abbauen, Wohlbefinden stärken.


LUMEUS - An emotional meditation training with spoken visualisations, impressively set to specifically composed music and recorded by symphony orchestras. By creating strong positive emotions through words and music, we reach the causes of numerous mental problems stored in the subconscious and can dissolve old patterns of thinking and behaviour.

Icons für Wort und Musik, die zur emotional Neubewertung von Situationen führen

Gesprochene Sehnsuchtsbilder

Specially composed film music

Emotional reevaluation

More about the Herzog-Method


Discover LUMEUS

App Screen des Audio-Tracks Energie & Frieden des Trainings Kraft der Emotionen

Power of Emotions

Find more inner strength, trust, confidence and focus with guided emotional audio-journeys, specifically composed film music and relaxation exercises.

IPhone Screen des englischen Audio-Tracks Starry Sky des Mentalen Schlaftainings in der LUMEUS-App

Mental Sleep Training

With our beautiful sleep journeys with especially composed music we can help anyone to fall asleep and sleep through better.

App Screen der Entspannungsübung des Emotionales Kindertraining

Emotional Kids Training

From guided audios for a powerful start into the day and peaceful and relaxed sleep to education about emotions, our Kids Training includes a range of options.

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Find out how LUMEUS can help you

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Logos von Medienberichterstattern wie ARD oder ZDF, die über LUMEUS berichten

Your benefits

Scientifically proven

The Herzog Method has been scientifically proven and its effectiveness has been successfully tested in many studies.

Zwei sich freuende, mit Händen nach oben gestreckte Personen mit Stern über ihren beiden Köpen
First results within a few days

The first results can be achieved after only a few days. With regular, daily listening, the effect is permanent.

5 Menschen im Kreis zusammen
More than 300,000 customers

The Emotional Training was developed by Dagmar Herzog over 40 years ago and has helped over 300,000 people since then.

Zwei Gesichter voreinander
Optional personal coaching with experts

We also provide individual coaching and consulting sessions to our clients if they are interested.

Our trusted wellbeing partners

LUMEUS in a nutshell

Start Now

"300,000 success stories of our users"

"I look forward to continuing my training and taking small steps towards long-term overlaying with positive emotions. The sessions have become a valuable part of my life."


"I now handle situations that used to stress me out and throw me off track in a completely different way. It's a miracle to me that something like this is possible. Also, my sleep has improved a lot and the way I'm out in the world is completely different."


"I let myself get less stressed and take things easier. I rest a little more in myself. The positive scenes have changed my tea consumption (I really enjoy a cup of tea now and then and feel really good about it) and after listening to the Harmonies I feel very satisfied. It's good for me to exercise like this. I am curious to see how the changes feel after 10 months and what is still to come. ''


"I feel as one with my body again. Listening to the Harmony tracks, I feel liberation, love, happiness and energy."


Any questions?

Contact us here or email us

LUMEUS Health Companion

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