
„Healthy stress management through mindfulness and positive emotions – The 8-week online training“

With the certified and refundable online prevention course, you will learn to permanently reduce stress, fears and inner restlessness and to experience and cultivate feelings of happiness.

You can also use the LUMEUS app including all training courses for free!

Gesundheit, die sich auszahlt: Erstattbarer Kurs + 1 Monat LUMEUS-App kostenlos

How the reimbursement works

Handy Screen mit Einkaufswagen Symbol in der Hand

1. Purchase the prevention course

Kaufe den Präventionskurs über unsere Website für 75 € und speichere den Kaufbeleg, den du nach dem Kauf erhältst.

Laptop mit Doktorhut als Zeichen des Kursabschlusses

2. Schließe den Präventsionskurs erfolgreich ab

Absolviere alle 8 Online-Kurseinheiten in 8 Wochen, um deine Teilnahmebestätigung zu erhalten.

3. Erhalte deine Teilnahme-bestätigung

Nach Kursabschluss wird dir automatisch eine Teilnahmebestätigung im Mitgliederbereich ausgestellt, zum Download bereitgestellt.

4. Get the costs reimbursed

To get reimbursed, submit your purchase receipt and confirmation of attendance to your health insurance.

Extra für dich: Nutze die LUMEUS-App kostenfrei

Direkt nach Kaufabschluss des Präventionskurses auf unserer Website erhältst du kostenlosen Zugang zur LUMEUS-App für 1 Monat inklusive aller Trainings per E-Mail.

Start now

*Du wirst auf eine externe Partner-Website weitergeleitet, um den Kauf abzuschließen.

Hast du einen Empfehlungscode von deinem Arzt, Therapeuten oder einer LUMEUS-Promotion?
Gib deinen Code in das folgende Eingabefeld ein und sichere dir einen verlängerten Zugang zur LUMEUS App!

Reimbursement Check

Unser Stressreduktions-Kurs


Bis zu 100% erstattbar.


Der Absolventen haben eine deutliche Verbesserung ihres Allgemeinzustands festgestellt.


Der Absolventen würden unseren Präventions-Kurs weiterempfehlen.


Der Teilnehmer konnten die Übungen eigenständig in ihren Alltag integrieren.

Your Coach

Susanne Wieder:
Graduate psychologist, psychotherapist and certified mindfulness teacher

Focus areas: Causes of stress and stress reduction, mindfulness and meditative exercises.


Susanne Wieder is your coach of the prevention course "Healthy stress management through Mindfulness and positive Emotions - The 8-week Online Training" and accompanies you on your way to a relaxed and stress-free self.

Erwerbe den Kurs

*Du wirst auf eine externe Partner-Website weitergeleitet, um den Kauf abzuschließen.

Hast du einen Empfehlungscode von deinem Arzt, Therapeuten oder einer LUMEUS-Promotion?
Gib deinen Code in das folgende Eingabefeld ein und sichere dir einen verlängerten Zugang zur LUMEUS App!

Aufbau des Präventionskurses

Inhalte des Präventionskurses

Kurseinheit 1

1: Learn the basics

Kurseinheit 2

2: The Power of your Emotions

Kurseinheit 3

3: The Power of Imagination

Kurseinheit 4

4: Our Power Harmonies

Kurseinheit 5

5: Working with Affirmations

Kurseinheit 6

6: The Power of Music

Kurseinheit 7

7: Prevent or alleviate stress

Kurseinheit 8

8: Prevent or alleviate anxiety

Klicke hier für den Stundenverlaufsplan

Learn methods to reduce stress and anxiety and strengthen your health!

  • In 8 weeks to a more stress-free and relaxed self
  • Under the guidance of a certified psychologist, psychotherapist and mindfulness teacher
  • Methods for healthy stress management and the reduction of anxiety and depressive moods
  • Up to 100% reimbursement by your statutory health insurance
  • Inkl. der LUMEUS-App und aller Emotions-Trainings für 1 Monat
Erwerbe den Kurs

*Du wirst auf eine externe Partner-Website weitergeleitet, um den Kauf abzuschließen.

Hast du einen Empfehlungscode von deinem Arzt, Therapeuten oder einer LUMEUS-Promotion?
Gib deinen Code in das folgende Eingabefeld ein und sichere dir einen verlängerten Zugang zur LUMEUS App!

Certified by the Cooperation Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds for the Certification of Prevention Courses - § 20 SGB V

Erwerbe den Kurs

*Du wirst auf eine externe Partner-Website weitergeleitet, um den Kauf abzuschließen.

Hast du einen Empfehlungscode von deinem Arzt, Therapeuten oder einer LUMEUS-Promotion?
Gib deinen Code in das folgende Eingabefeld ein und sichere dir einen verlängerten Zugang zur LUMEUS App!

Our app content

Discover LUMEUS

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Health Insurance
  • How can I use LUMEUS via my health insurance?

    If you are insured by the public health system in Germany, you can get 1-2 preventive measures per year reimbursed by your health insurance.

    All persons with statutory health insurance have access to a prevention budget of around 150 euros (depending on the health insurance). Only courses certified by the Zentralen Prüfstelle für Prävention in Germany (ZPP) are reimbursed. 

    The prevention course ''Healthy Stress Management through Mindfulness and Positive Emotions - The 8-Week Online Training" by LUMEUS is certified and is reimbursed by all statutory health insurances in Germany. The amount of reimbursement depends on your health insurance and usually varies between 75 and 100% of the 75 EUR course costs. Check our Reimbursement Check to find out how much your health insurance reimburses you.

  • What does the prevention course contain?

    The course includes

    • 8 weeks online course
    • Guided meditations with music composed specifically for each track, seminars, interactive exercises, participant materials to download, quizzes, and much more.
    • Free access to the LUMEUS App incl. all emotional trainings für 8 Wochen
    • Reimbursement of course costs by all statutory health insurances in Germany
  • Can I have the LUMEUS app prescribed by my doctor?

    No, the LUMEUS app is not a digital health app (DiGA) and therefore cannot be prescribed by doctors. 

    Instead you can absolve our Prevention course ''Healthy Stress Management through Mindfulness and Positive Emotions - The 8-Week Online Training" you can have the costs reimbursed by your statutory health insurance and thus receive a free access to the LUMEUS app incl. all emotional trainings for 6 months.

  • What is the purpose of the course?

    The course is designed to prevent stress, anxiety and inner turmoil. With the help of our emotional training you will learn successful methods to permanently reduce stress and anxiety and to experience and cultivate feelings of happiness.

    More information:

  • What are the exact course contents?

    The course consists of 8 units with following focus:

        1. Basics of the Herzog Method & MBSR
        2. The Power of Emotions
        3. The Power of Imagination
        4. Power Harmonies
        5. Affirmations
        6. The Power of Music
        7. Prevent and alleviate stress
        8. Prevent and alleviate anxiety

    A detailed description of the course units can be found on our website under Statutory Health Insurance, Course units of the prevention course and is available for download as Stundenverlaufsplan (in German).

  • Where can I purchase the prevention course?

    You can purchase the prevention course via the Coachy platform and via our website !

  • Can I get reimbursed for the full cost?

    The exact amount of reimbursement differs between the statutory health insurances (SHI). Take the Reimbursement Check on our website and find out how much your health insurance reimburses!

    If your health insurance is not listed there, ask your insurance directly about the amount of reimbursement for preventive courses.

  • My health insurance is not listed in the Reimbursement Check. What can I do?

    If your statutory health insurance is not listed, please contact your insurance for information on the reimbursement of ZPP-certified preventive measures and find out how much your health insurance reimburses you!

  • How much time do I have to complete the course?

    The course consists of 8 units and runs for 8 weeks. To successfully complete the course and get reimbursed, you must complete all units within the 8 weeks..

  • Can I choose myself when to do the training?

    Yes, you can choose the time at which you complete the units.

    In order to complete the course successfully, you must complete one unit each week during the 8 weeks of the course.

Known from

"Attending the seminar "Power of Emotions" has positively influenced my life and strengthened my psyche, significantly improving my eye condition. Today, I can watch a film of one and a half hours without any problems. The power of emotions truly works for me as described, making me physically and mentally very strong."


"With your method of emotional training, I was finally able to free myself from my years-long depression. Just after 3 weeks of regular training, the morning anxiety and lack of drive dissolved. After 1 month, I was able to stop taking daily doses of Benzos (Temesta) and began to feel joy in life again, looking forward to each day and eager to tackle many things! I am happy and content once more!"


"Since September, I have been using both 'The Power of Emotions' and 'Mental Slimming Training' daily, first thing in the morning and last thing at night. (...) Despite my physical limitations (wrists, fingers), I managed to hang up my Christmas lights on the balcony in November. The sleep training helps me sleep much better, which has a very positive effect on my body, making me feel much better overall."

Monika L.

"I now handle situations that used to stress me out and throw me off track in a completely different way. It's a miracle to me that something like this is possible. Also, my sleep has improved a lot and the way I'm out in the world is completely different."


"I started the ZPP program the day before yesterday and will gladly give comprehensive feedback in the next few days. In short: I am thrilled, the audios are pure happiness! Best regards and thanks."


"The audio training has totally changed my life. I am no longer afraid of the next day, I feel good about myself and I no longer feel like I have to pass life like a test. I live, experience strong feelings of happiness every day and have energy. This is a new experience for me."


,,Ich lass mich weniger stressen und nehm die Dinge leichter. Ich ruhe etwas mehr in mir. Die Positivszenen haben meinen Teekonsum verändert (ich geniesse jetzt echt ab und an eine Tasse Tee und fühl mich richtig gut dabei) und nach dem Hören der Harmonies fühle ich mich sehr zufrieden. Es tut mir gut, so zu trainieren.“


"I feel as one with my body again. Listening to the Harmony tracks, I feel liberation, love, happiness and energy."



Let LUMEUS inspire you on your path to more wellbeing! Sign up now for our newsletter and receive valuable advice from our psychologists, practical tips and all the latest news about LUMEUS to strengthen your mental and emotional health and expand your knowledge. In addition, we'll give you the first month of your next subscription to the LUMEUS app for free!

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