
LUMEUS - EmoTrain GmbH is neither a health care provider nor a supplier of medical products, our products do not constitute medical advice. Only a doctor, therapist, psychologist or other health care provider is able to do so.

Researches and references show that LUMEUS - EmoTrain GmbH can help with a wide range of diseases, both in terms of prevention and recovery, nevertheless we do not assure that the products provide therapeutic benefits.

Any health information is provided for non-binding informational purposes only. LUMEUS - EmoTrain GmbH is not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your personal condition and circumstances. The recommendations and other materials provided by us are intended to promote your health, but are not intended to replace the duties of a health care provider.

No liability is assumed for any consequences resulting from your having read our recommendations or other materials or from others having told you about them.

You alone assume responsibility for your decisions and actions.

EmoTrain GmbH
Am Buchet 8a
82057 Icking
+49 8178 95899 40
