
Our Trainings

Power of Emotions

Feel better now

Happy hormones are your best cure.

''Glück beginnt in dir selbst'' - Dagmar Herzog
Learn to reduce feelings of stress, anxiety, and depressive moods and cultivate feelings of happiness with our training "The Power of Emotions". Find more inner peace, confidence, self-awareness and focus with our guided emotional audio journeys and achieve lasting, long-term effects by using the training daily.

App Screen des Audiotrack Energie & Frieden des Trainings Kraft der Emotionen in der LUMEUS-App

Content of the training

Power Harmonies

Power Harmonies are practised for self-esteem, confidence, and inner peace. These are "fantasy journeys" amplified with classical music, which release feelings of happiness and reduce negative feelings such as stress or anxiety.

App Screen des Audiotrack Energie & Frieden des Trainings Kraft der Emotionen in der LUMEUS-App
App Screen des Audiotrack Zauberworte des Trainings Kraft der Emotionen in der LUMEUS-App


Affirmations are practised for inner strength and a positive self-image. Our affirmations are reinforced by classical music, which supports you to think & feel positively and develop a positive self-image leading to more inner strength.

Text and audio seminars

Text and audio seminars for more background knowledge on emotion and brain research. Here you will learn how to give situations a new emotional evaluation so that you can lead a happy life again.

Experience Change today

eBook - The Power of Emotions

This eBook explains the training program „The Power of Emotions“ by Dagmar Herzog. This training can be successfully applied to stress, anxiety, depressive moods and sleep disorders, among other things, and helps to feel more joy and energy again. The core point is the reprogramming of obstructive, unwanted behavior patterns from the past, which make us react in the same way over and over again.

Purchase eBook
Cover of The Power of Emotions by Dagmar Herzog in english

Pain-free with LUMEUS: Monika's inspiring experience report


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Michaella Moss

The speaker for the English version of the Emotional training for Kids and Adults is Michella Moss, who has been the voice of a PBS Nature documentary, Regent Cruises, Scott Cawthon (FN@F) to name a few, and numerous audio books. Michella lives and works in the peaceful wilderness of a forest in British Columbia, Canada.
Michella has the kind of voice that speaks for itself. Her skills include not only voice acting but also music and lyric composition and production - including singing.

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Dagmar Herzog

The speaker of the German version of Emotional Training for Adults is Dagmar Herzog, known as the founder of the Herzog Method and multiple bestselling author. Dagmar has already helped more than 300,000 people with her distinctive voice to become healthy and happy again.

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,,Ein Besuch des Seminares „Kraft der Emotionen“ hat mein Leben sehr positiv beeinflusst und meine Psyche gefestigt und somit meine Augenkrankheit insofern weit verbessert, als ich heute ohne Probleme einen Film von eineinhalb Stunden ansehen kann. Die Kraft der Emotionen wirkt bei mir tatsächlich im Sinne der Worte und macht mich körperlich und seelisch sehr stark."


,,Mit Deiner Methode des emotionalen Trainings habe ich mich endlich aus meiner mehrjährigen Depression befreien können. Bereits nach 3 Wochen regelmässigen Trainings löste sich die morgentliche Angst und Antriebslosigkeit auf. Nach 1 Monat konnte ich die tägliche Einnahme der Benzos ( Temesta) absetzen und empfand wieder Lust am Leben und freute mich auf den Tag und die vielen Dinge, die ich anpacken wollte! Ich bin wieder glücklich und froh!"


,,Seit September benutze ich sowohl "Die Kraft der Emotionen" als auch das "Mentale Schlankheitstraining" täglich als erstes am Morgen und als letztes am Abend. (...) Trotz meiner körperlichen Einschränkungen (Handgelenke, Finger) habe ich es im November geschafft, meine Weihnachts-beleuchtung auf dem Balkon aufzuhängen. Das Schlaftraining hilft mir, viel besser zu schlafen und das wirkt sich sehr positiv auf meinen Körper aus, so dass ich mich insgesamt viel besser fühle."

Monika L.

"The audio training has totally changed my life. I am no longer afraid of the next day, I feel good about myself and I no longer feel like I have to pass life like a test. I live, experience strong feelings of happiness every day and have energy. This is a new experience for me."


"I feel as one with my body again. Listening to the Harmony tracks, I feel liberation, love, happiness and energy."


"My life has changed so much since the last six months that I am overwhelmed by it myself. I am already thinking about whether I should / would like to celebrate twice a year birthday. Once my physical, own birthday and once my emotional".

