How do vegetarians react to the method?
Many vegetarians experience the following: they feel disgust very clearly when listening to the meat scenes, especially since they don't eat meat and can't stand it or find it disgusting. This is a very good sign, since the Mental Slimming Training works well for users who feel strong emotions like disgust. The training also involves many vegetarian foods (e.g. chocolates as a symbol of sweetness), but this is not necessary for the method to work for you. As you may have heard in the rehearsal scenes, it is also about reprogramming the inner attitude towards food. Eating in general is banned from your mind and through the positive scenes new programs are installed that lead to you no longer being bored/frustrated/sad etc.. The negative scenes in which fat occurs, target all fats, as long as you are disgusted by fat (in sausage), the desire for too many vegetarian or vegan foods that contain fat will also reduce (cheese, cream, oil, nut mousse, for example, is also very fatty, etc.). Fats are then perceived negatively in the subconscious and this is also achieved with meat scenes. As a result, the subconscious perceives fat differently. On the contrary, as a vegetarian or vegan, you should feel the disgust even more, since you don't eat meat and may even find it disgusting. You can see the meat and the fat associated with it as synonymous with all fats. Imagine, while listening to the scenes, that you are an actress and are forced to eat this now and imagine how you feel the lumps of fat in your mouth. I am pretty sure that you will then perceive too greasy vegan food differently in the future, even the vegetarian and vegan foods that are very greasy. The negative scenes play on fat, sweet and "too much". Sentences like "You feel the pressure" will change your body perception and that will help your subconscious to deal with food differently. Boredom is often associated with frustration and frustration produces stress hormones. The body has learned that it can reduce these stress hormones very well with opposite feelings, namely happiness hormones. And these happiness hormones are produced with every bite of food. This explains the connection between boredom and food.