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Audi Business Innovation

LUMEUS ist ab sofort Teil des Audi active coach und somit fest in die digitale Welt von Audi integriert. Verfügbar für Audi-Modelle ab Baujahr 2020 in Deutschland (einzelne Ausnahmen möglich). Wir freuen uns, an Board des Audi active coach zu sein und den Fahrern ab sofort ein noch entspannteres Fahrerlebnis zu bieten. Der Audi active coach ist ein Service, der Audi Fahrern mehr Raum für Wohlbefinden während ihrer Zeit im Auto ermöglicht. Der Audi active coach verknüpft Vitaldaten der Audi-Fahrer mit Fahrdaten des Audis und erstellt, basierend auf den Erkenntnissen, individuelle Angebote, die das Wohlbefinden positiv beeinflussen können. LUMEUS steuert Inhalte aus den emotionalen Trainings und individuell komponierter Orchestermusik bei.

About Audi Business Innovation

BioRICS Mindstretch

Mit der BioRICS Mindstretch-App kannst du dein mentales Energielevel live messen und frühzeitig gegensteuern, um gesundheitlichen Problemen vorzubeugen. Die Mindstrech App warnt dich vor einem zu hohen mentalen Energieverbrauch z.B. durch schlechten Schlaf oder Stress und unterstützt dich dabei, Maßnahmen zur Regeneration zu ergreifen wie z.B. LUMEUS. Was du dafür benötigst: die Mindstrech-App,  ein Wearable z.B. Fitbit  und die LUMEUS-App.

About BioRICS Mindstrech

Bundesverband Burnout und Depression e.V.

Der Bundesverband Burnout und Depression e.V. ist eine gemeinnützige Selbsthilfeorganisation mit ehrenamtlich arbeitenden Mitarbeiter:innen auf Bundes-, Landes- und örtlicher Ebene. Selbsthilfegruppen deutschlandweit werden unterstützt und ein Online-Austausch für Betroffene zur Prävention und in akuten Situationen von Burnout und Depressionen angeboten. Der Bundesverband Burnout und Depression e.V. informiert auch über digitale Angebote wie die LUMEUS-App und das zertifizierte und erstattbare Stressreduktionstraining von LUMEUS für Betroffene.

About Bundesverband Burnout und Depression e.V.


The Organization for the Review of Care and Health Apps (ORCHA) is an organization of NHS doctors in England that uses independent quality assurance processes to review care and health apps for quality and safety. The LUMEUS app was reviewed by ORCHA and rated as an effective, safe mental health app. LUMEUS is listed in the ORCHA library and is recommended to all NHS doctors, psychotherapists and clinics as an effective and safe app for their patients.


Zentrale Prüfstelle Prävention (ZPP)

Our prevention course "Healthy Stress Management through Mindfulness and Positive Emotions - The 8-Week Online Training" is designed to prevent stress, anxiety and inner turmoil. It was developed by the Zentrale Prüfstelle Prävention (ZPP) and certified as a prevention course. Therefore, everyone with statutory health insurance in Germany can have up to 100% of the course costs reimbursed by their statutory health insurance. 

About ZPP & the prevention course


Klinikradar offers an online platform with information about hospitals and clinics in Germany. Among other things, the platform contains data on specialist medical departments, equipment, treatment focuses, preventive measures, doctors, ratings and patient experiences. 

The LUMEUS app is now recommended on the Klinikradar website in the Hormones category as an effective health app with treatment focus on obesity, burnout, stress prevention and tinnitus.

About Klinikradar


Hanako is a health service provider, which offers modern digital BGF platforms and medical check-ups, as well as solutions for occupational health management. In this way, Hanako creates a wide range of new design options for companies and achieves measurable added value for employees. 

The LUMEUS audio trainings are available in the Hanako app in the area of stress management. Users learn to reduce stress and improve their well-being by generating positive emotions. 


ottonova is the first private health insurance company we are working with. All ottonova customers who have purchased a comprehensive health insurance or a supplementary insurance can purchase the 12-month license for the LUMEUS app through ottonova's health X offer incl. 25% discount.

With an active participation in health X, you build up a budget that can be used for selected services that support your healthy lifestyle. You submit your invoices via the app and are reimbursed for the amount of your budget. You can use your purchased budget for apps from the 'Eat', 'Move' and 'Mind' sections. The LUMEUS app can thus be purchased by health X members of ottonova and used for stress reduction and healthy sleep. 

About ottonova


Results of a two-year pilot study of the Institute for Addiction Medicine and Obesity of the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry in Munich documented the outstanding, positive results of the Herzog method.

"With the method of the Mental Weight-loss training, patients can successfully lose weight on their own after just one weekend. Even after 18 to 24 months, the weight reduction continues." Dr. Rainer Backmund.

Institute for Addiction Medicine and Obesity, Schwabing Clinic, Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Munich.

About the study


The neuphony headband by PankhTech is the first smartwatch for your brain and uses EEG based neurofeedback to monitor your brain waves. It aims to optimize your brains’ performance and attain inner peace. Based on sensor data, neuphony recommends the right meditations incl. LUMEUS on their mobile app to improve focus, reduce stress levels and to boost your overall brain's health. 

LUMEUS is now working with the neuphony headband to analyze the impact of the emotional training on the brain, specifically analyzing calmness, stress, mood and focus. 

If you are in Munich, you can book a brainwave session at our office and have your brain activity analyzed while using LUMEUS. To book a brainwave session, please send an email to:

About neuphony

Health Captains Club

The Health Captains Club is an organization dedicated to promoting health and well-being. Serving as a platform for health experts and enthusiasts, the club provides a variety of resources, events, and networking opportunities. Members of the Health Captains Club benefit from a wide range of information, including innovative approaches to health promotion, the latest research findings, and practical advice. By collaborating with leading experts and organizations, the club contributes to raising awareness of holistic health and supporting people in developing healthier lifestyles.

About Health Captains Club

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.“

Helen Keller

Doctors, psychologists and clinics

LUMEUS has been independently tested and recommended to doctors, psychologists and clinics for their patients.

  • The LUMEUS app is recommended to all NHS physicians, psychotherapists and clinicians as an effective and safe app for their patients.
  • The Organization for the Review of Care and Health Apps (ORCHA) is an organization of NHS clinicians in England that conducts quality assurance processes to safely introduce and deliver digital health apps.
    In this context, healthcare apps are tested for quality and safety and LUMEUS was rated as very good and safe, that can be recommended to patients.
  • LUMEUS offers a poster for physicians, psychologists and clinics for their patents with all important information about LUMEUS, the emotions trainings and the Herzog method.

We are very excited to be working with ORCHA and the NHS and look forward to future collaborations with additional physicians, psychologists, and clinicians.

Download Poster

LUMEUS x Networking Health Webinar

Watch the LUMEUS x Networking Health Webinar on mental health now!

You would like to cooperate with us?

Are you passionate about mental health and emotional well-being and want to become our partner? Then contact us now and let's discuss how we can work together!

,,Oh ja! Ich finde Lumeus mega und spüre bereits Veränderungen. Ich würde sie sofort meinen Freundinnen empfehlen.“


,,Ich freue mich weiterzutrainieren und weiterhin kleine Schritte hin zur langfristigen Überlagerung durch positive Emotionen zu gehen. Die Trainings sind zu einem wertvollen Teil für mich geworden."


"I now handle situations that used to stress me out and throw me off track in a completely different way. It's a miracle to me that something like this is possible. Also, my sleep has improved a lot and the way I'm out in the world is completely different."


"I would like to keep training after the pilot phase and continue to take small steps toward the long-term overlay of positive emotions. The trainings have become a valuable part for me."


"Oh yeah! I love the LUMEUS App and already feel changes. I would recommend it to my friends immediately... and would very much like to continue after the trial month."


"I let myself get less stressed and take things easier. I rest a little more in myself. The positive scenes have changed my tea consumption (I really enjoy a cup of tea now and then and feel really good about it) and after listening to the Harmonies I feel very satisfied. It's good for me to exercise like this. I am curious to see how the changes feel after 10 months and what is still to come. ''


"I feel as one with my body again. Listening to the Harmony tracks, I feel liberation, love, happiness and energy."


"The greatest success for me is the fact that I no longer react to my "down phases" with unrestrained eating attacks. Supported by the Harmonys that I perform daily, I have also noticed that the intervals between my mood lows have become significantly longer. The duration and intensity of the depressive lows have decreased noticeably."

