
How does the Herzog Method work in the mental weight loss training?

How does the Herzog Method work in the mental weight loss training?

When we are frustrated, stressed, sad, angry, or bored, the body forces us to eat without being hungry. Everyone eats for two reasons: firstly, to survive, secondly, to get rid of negative feelings caused by stress, unhappiness, sadness or frustration, etc. This frustration eating / stress eating is not needed by the body to survive, only to feel good again. Overweight is the result. A new reaction to stress and bad feelings. We get rid of this overweight by training our body to react differently to frustration, boredom, sadness, or stress etc. The Mental Weight-loss Training consists of three different mental listening exercises that permanently change the way the body reacts to negative emotions. These reactions are anchored in our bodies like roots of an ancient tree. These roots are removed step-by-step from the 1st listening exercise, a so-called "negative scenes". The negative scenes (8-10 min. playing time per scene) are mental perception trainings, which prevent eating too much fatty, sweet and altogether too much food out of negative emotions. Listening to the negative scene once can be thought of as pulling out part of those roots. Instead of the old roots, new, healthy reactions are to be planted. This is the purpose of the positive scenes. They teach the body to react to frustration with new, healthy behaviors (drinking water, drinking tea, exercise). Many users notice after a very short time (e.g. after the first week of daily listening) that they are less hungry, perceive food differently (e.g. lose the desire for something sweet, such as cola) while the desire to exercise, drink tea and eat salad increases greatly.
