
Stronger together for mental and emotional health

Bundesverband für Burnout & Depression e.V x LUMEUS

The Bundesverband Burnout und Depression e.V. (Federal Association for Burnout and Depression e.V.) is a non-profit self-help organization with volunteers working at the federal, state, and local levels. Its goal is to support people with stress-induced symptoms such as burnout or depression.

This partnership gives us the opportunity to raise awareness about mental health and promote preventive measures. Our shared commitment and expertise promise to make a significant difference in the lives of many people.

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Self-help assistance - and much more!

The members of the Federal Association primarily support affected individuals and those at risk of stress-induced disorders through topic-centered self-experience..

In addition, they offer impulse lectures and workshops for companies to establish and maintain a healthy performance climate.


Services provided by the Federal Association

Self-help groups:

Supporting self-help groups across Germany and also providing an online exchange among those affected.

Against loneliness:

Provides a place of support and exchange to counteract loneliness.

Volunteer counseling:

Volunteers are here to support you with advice and assistance.

Icons Website (1)

Prevention programs:

Actively engages in the prevention of burnout and depression in companies, offering training and workshops for this purpose.

Icons Website (2)

Laughter hotline:

Experience joy and serenity whenever you need it.

Pioneers in volunteer engagement!

After receiving a successful award in 2021, the Federal Association once again obtained the coveted seal "Outstanding Volunteerism". An acknowledgment for exemplary social commitment and outstanding collaboration with volunteers. Setting standards in member care and support through personal attention, flexibility, and clear impact goals. An inspiring environment of appreciation and teamwork, along with diverse opportunities for exchange and further education, including digital access.

Alongside our outstanding work, we are thrilled to announce that the LUMEUS app is now available to all members of the Federal Association! This presents a unique opportunity to leverage the benefits of the LUMEUS app and benefit from the offerings of the Federal Association. A strong testament to the collaboration between technology and social engagement. Together, we are creating positive changes for a better future!

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“I deeply appreciate the volunteer and professional commitment. It is also gratifying that genuine goodwill was, and still is, noticeable. This includes the heartfelt motivation to share personal insights and knowledge, often based on their own experiences (also at ABC in Düsseldorf).” - Participant from the support group

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“I think it’s great that you provide a place for those affected, as they are often ridiculed and not taken seriously in our society.” - Participant from the support group

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“I need you to continuously reflect and work on anti-burnout strategies. Without the ABCs, I probably wouldn’t be able to do this.” - Feedback on Psycho-Social Email Counseling
