

University of Bayreuth – Statement on the Herzog Method

"The German health care system faces primarily a quality problem, which is, however, at the same time linked to a financial problem. Especially so-called common diseases (e.g., diabetes, depression) are increasingly dominating the discussion in health science. Therefore, healthcare offerings of the future must be much more strongly oriented to the patient's individual environment and also take into account the patient's life situation in a holistic way. The Herzog Method can serve as an example for this, which enables doctors and patients alike to help themselves and, based on the findings of current research into emotions, aims to eliminate the cause of disorders." Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Peter Oberender Read MoreDownload  ...


The Society for Nutritional Medicine and Dietetics e.V.

The Gesellschaft für Ernährungsmedizin und Diätetik e.V. (Society for Nutritional Medicine and Dietetics) says: "Obesity is the scourge of the 21st century. 52 to 55 percent of women and 66 to 67 percent of men suffer from overweight (body mass index greater than 25). Although the dramatic consequences of obesity, diabetes mellitus type 2, high blood pressure and diseases of the cardiovascular system, have long been no secret, the number of overweight people continues to rise. [...


Justus Liebig University Giessen, Help for self-help with the Herzog method

The Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy of the Teaching Hospital of the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen Prof. Dr. med. H. Woelk praises the positive effect of mental slimming training on the human psyche: Herr Prof. Dr. med. H. Woelk lobt den positiven Effekt des Mentalen Schlankheitstrainings auf die Psyche des Menschen: "The Dagmar Herzog Method (DHM) starts with the emotions, because negative emotions are what make us reproduce limiting patterns of conduct over and over again. With her method, it is possible to override negative emotions with positive ones and thus fundamentally change one's own behaviour. Dagmar Herzog has succeeded in implementing and applying the findings of emotion research in a particularly intensive way. The professionally and extraordinarily elaborately designed training CDs enable daily work with emotions and thus...


Max Planck Pilot Study on the Effectiveness of the Herzog Method

Investigation results of a two-year pilot study of the Max Planck Institute, Munich document the outstanding, positive results of the Herzog method. "With the media-assisted weight reduction method, patients can successfully lose weight themselves after just one weekend. Even after 18 to 24 months, the weight reduction continues," says Dr. Rainer Backmund, Institute for Addiction Medicine and Obesity, Praxiszentrum im Tal, Schwabing Clinic, Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Munich. Media-assisted weight reduction in overweight people - first casuistics, Suchtmed 9 (4) 2007, Markus Backmund, Harald Jörn Schneider, Günter Karl Stalla. Read MoreDownload...


Board of Trustees School Catering e.V.

Dr. Annette Nagel, nutritionist, writes: "The issue of weight and malnutrition is already firmly manifested in childhood and adolescence. Depending on the definition, 10-20% of our school children are already overweight! [...
